
Implementing Retry Logic in Spring Framework

 In this post, we will learn about how retry can be implemented using Spring Retry Dependency. What is retry and why do we need to implement it? Retry is a technique used in software development to handle transient failures and improve the overall reliability of a system or application. When a service call or an operation fails temporarily due to reasons like network issues, high load, or temporary unavailability of resources, retrying the operation can be an effective strategy to ensure success. What is Spring Retry? Spring Retry is a module in the Spring Framework that provides support for adding retry functionality to methods in Spring-based applications. It helps in handling transient failures and retries failed operations to improve the stability and resilience of the application. Spring Retry Components: In Spring Retry, there are several components that you can use to implement the retry mechanism. Here are the key components: RetryTemplate : RetryTemplate is the central